Shidduch Institute

Shidduch Institute

Our Vision

Reaching the milestone of marrying off one's children is every parent's dream. However, with the blessed growth of the Orthodox Jewish Community in North America, the process of finding a shidduch has become challenging for many. There is more demand than ever for access to shadchanim, and the traditional role of "Shadchan" is being expanded in transformative ways, to include coaching, negotiating and more. The Institute for Shidduchim is dedicated to addressing the needs of the yeshiva community by consolidating resources for singles and shadchanim, as well as existing organizations already dealing with various aspects of the Shidduch process.

Our Mission

To empower the Yeshiva community's singles, shadchanim, and organizations to achieve success in creating more Batei Ne'eman B'Yisroel

Our Launch

As a first step toward achieving our goals, we intend to explore the dating landscape through a qualitative and quantitative research study. We are launching a comprehensive survey targeting the Yeshiva Orthodox community in North America with the goal of obtaining 10,000 responses. Machon L’shidduchim has been launched with the goal of identifying critical issues that are creating challenges within the Shidduch system and sharing relevant information to existing organizations or helping launch new initiatives where needed.

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